Design, Programming, Music and Life

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Revamping The Resume - Part 2 - Virtual Resume

11:53 PM Posted by Unknown , , , , , , , , , , No comments
One morning I was browsing my normal news sources when I came across Lifehacker's article about making a static resume and putting it on the web. I took that and ran with it over the last month in my spare time and came out with a good representation of my coding skills so far. Mix that with my Design abilities and I think I may have one of the key items I've been missing as a businessperson all along.

The site is 100% static HTML5 (CSS & JS) so it will run on 90% of the modern browsers out there. It uses a few types of animation too. One for the foreground and one for the background (which moves when the mouse moves, all 3D like). This is just version 1 of it so far, so I might have to revamp it a couple of times before I'm happy with it.

This is a link to my revamped resume (mirror)

I plan on updating that as regularly as I remember, so leave a comment if you have any thoughts :)