So I have been working on getting a new business card design put together, and I took a different road this time. Instead of starting with the usual PS, or Paint.NET, I started with Cinema 4D, and made my design into a model. This 3D Model can now be made in a 3D Printer. Now the benefit to this is that it has texture, it is sturdy, and it is very appealing to the eyes.
The purpose of this form factor is for advertising my mobile app skillz, I wanted to pick something that would scream that on sight. After pricing it all out using a two step method, it will come to about $4.00 a card or just over. This just means that I get to start off with a cardboard knockoff ;)
The purpose of this form factor is for advertising my mobile app skillz, I wanted to pick something that would scream that on sight. After pricing it all out using a two step method, it will come to about $4.00 a card or just over. This just means that I get to start off with a cardboard knockoff ;)
I am working on a few more ideas like this one, so I will keep you posted.
like the idea and all the might needed when design plastic business cards.
Very awesome cards looks like cell phone )
sticker printing
Very awesome cards looks like cell phone )
sticker printing
These are awesome. I will use this idea while designing my plastic business cards. Thanks for sharing.
Innovations keeps field or industry alive so do for
plastic business cards, introduction of 3d is unique addition...
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