Design, Programming, Music and Life

Monday, May 21, 2012

Changing the world can be done one idea at a time.

     When it comes to having an impact on the world around us, we have very limited resources for changing things in a traditional sense. Yeah, we can think of the next big thing for whatever you are into, but hunches are, most of us will never go anywhere with the idea. What if I told you that regardless if your idea goes anywhere, it can still make a difference, would you still come up with more ideas? I think we should come up with ideas more often as a society. So what if you can't profit from it, the important pat is that you went through the process of thinking of it.

     Let me explain the basics of it for you a bit more. I have come up with tons of ideas and inventions, but I'm not blind to the fact that I'm not the only one who has had that idea either. For every idea come up with, there are at least 100 other people in the world with that same idea. Why? Because these ideas we have are brought about by commonalities in situations, environment, production, design, etc. for every problem solved, there will be more problems or ideas on how to use it. In the past, ideas have been safeguarded and kept secret because of the thought of gain. I believe we now live in a society where this is not needed as much and if we are to continue to evolve as humans, we should learn to share our ideas. After all, if you sit on an egg too long, it spoils anyway. Our ideas are the same way, they spoil if we keep them for too long without further developing them.

     When it came to inventions in the past, we had little choices as to what to do with our ideas, and the majority of those options would make it so your invention never saw the light of day. That has also changed now with the dawn of Croudsourcing and Croudfunding services like StartGarden, KickStarter, etc. the question is no longer about what a few company exec's think of your idea, it is what the public thinks of it.

     Remember that your idea is not unique, and shared by many others across the globe, no mater how smart you are. This means that it is a race to see who can catch the public's eye about the idea first. This also means that the rate of new ideas needs to ramp up a bit too. The more you use your creative muscles, the more you can do with them. So even the act of coming up with a new idea once a month and publishing it somewhere can facilitate a greater change in the world around you that you can imagine. Try it for a while, trust me, you will see the difference if we all keep at it.